1. What are decorators in TypeScript?

  2. How does TypeScript handle enums?

  3. What are generics in TypeScript? Why are they useful?

  4. What are interfaces in TypeScript? How do they differ from types?

  5. Explain the concept of Union and Intersection types

  6. What is the purpose of the unknown type? How is it different from any?

  7. What is TypeScript, and how is it different from JavaScript?

  8. Explain Arrays in TypeScript

  9. List the Applications of TypeScript

  10. List the Advantages of TypeScript

  11. What are the Disadvantages of TypeScript?

  12. What is the Difference Between TypeScript and AngularJS?

  13. What is the Difference Between TypeScript and Node.js?

  14. What is the Difference Between an Interface and a Class in TypeScript?

  15. What is the Difference Between "interface" and "type" in TypeScript?

  16. What is the Difference Between "unknown" and "any" Types in TypeScript?

  17. What is the Difference Between "null" and "undefined" in TypeScript?

  18. What is the Difference Between "let," "var," and "const" in TypeScript?

  19. What is the Difference Between "==" and "===" in TypeScript?

  20. What is the Difference Between "interface" and "abstract class" in TypeScript?

  21. What is the Difference Between "public," "private," and "protected" Modifiers in TypeScript?

  22. What is the Difference Between "static" and "instance" Methods in TypeScript?

  23. What is the Difference Between "type assertion" and "type casting" in TypeScript?

  24. What is the Difference Between "enum" and "union" Types in TypeScript?

  25. What is the Difference Between "namespace" and "module" in TypeScript?

  26. What is the Difference Between "declare" and "define" in TypeScript?

  27. What is the Difference Between "readonly" and "const" in TypeScript?

  28. What is the Difference Between "interface" and "class" in TypeScript?

  29. What is the Difference Between "type" and "interface" in TypeScript?

  30. What is the Difference Between "unknown" and "any" in TypeScript?

  31. What is the Difference Between "declare" and "define" in TypeScript?

  32. What is the Difference Between "namespace" and "module" in TypeScript?

  33. What is the Difference Between "interface" and "abstract class" in TypeScript?

  34. What is the Difference Between "public," "private," and "protected" in TypeScript?

  35. What is the Difference Between "static" and "instance" Methods in TypeScript?

  36. What is the Difference Between "type assertion" and "type casting" in TypeScript?

  37. What is the Difference Between "enum" and "union" Types in TypeScript?

  38. What is the Difference Between "namespace" and "module" in TypeScript?

  39. What is the Difference Between "declare" and "define" in TypeScript?

  40. What is the Difference Between "readonly" and "const" in TypeScript?

  41. What is the Difference Between "interface" and "class" in TypeScript?

  42. What is the Difference Between "type" and "interface" in TypeScript?

  43. What is the Difference Between "unknown" and "any" in TypeScript?

  44. What is the Difference Between "null" and "undefined" in TypeScript?

  45. What is the Difference Between "enum" and "union" Types in TypeScript?

  46. What is the Difference Between "type assertion" and "type casting" in TypeScript?

  47. What is the Difference Between "public," "private," and "protected" in TypeScript?